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Asked: July 1, 2022In: CSAT
Poll Results
0%(a) 138 ( 0 voters )
25%(b) 139 ( 1 voter )
50%(c) 140 ( 2 voters )
25%(d) 141 ( 1 voter )
Based On 4 Votes
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Asked: December 24, 2022In: Modern History
Poll Results
0%(a) Warren Hastings ( 0 voters )
60%(b) Cornwallis ( 6 voters )
10%(c) Wellesley ( 1 voter )
30%(d) William Bentinck ( 3 voters )
Based On 10 Votes
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Asked: May 4, 2022In: Physical Geography
Poll Results
0%(a) North Atlantic Drift ( 0 voters )
0%(b) Augulhas Current ( 0 voters )
0%(c) Kuroshio Current ( 0 voters )
100%(d) Canaries Current ( 2 voters )
Based On 2 Votes
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Asked: December 19, 2022In: Ancient History
Poll Results
0%(a) Ashoka ( 0 voters )
0%(b) Bindusara ( 0 voters )
0%(c) Devabhumi ( 0 voters )
100%(d) Gautamiputra Satkarni ( 2 voters )
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Asked: July 10, 2022In: Environment
Poll Results
0%(a) Significant Carbon emission reduction potential ( 0 voters )
0%(b) Capital efficient ( 0 voters )
0%(c) Sizable economic value add to GDP ( 0 voters )
100%(d) All of above ( 1 voter )
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Asked: April 9, 2022In: Agriculture
Poll Results
25%(a) Cultivation of two or more crops in the same field ( 1 voter )
25%(b) Cultivation of both cash crops and food crops ( 1 voter )
50%(c) Rearing of animals and cultivation of crops together ( 2 voters )
0%(d) None of the above ( 0 voters )
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Asked: May 14, 2022In: Physical Geography
Poll Results
0%(a) Polaris ( 0 voters )
0%(b) Alpha Centauri ( 0 voters )
100%(c) Sun ( 1 voter )
0%(d) Sirius ( 0 voters )
Based On 1 Vote
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Asked: September 8, 2022In: Science & Technology
Which of the following statements is/are correct? Viruses lack enzymes necessary for the generation of energy. Viruses can be cultured in any ...Read more
Poll Results
66.67%(a) 1 only ( 2 voters )
33.33%(b) 2 and 3 only ( 1 voter )
0%(c) 1 and 3 only ( 0 voters )
0%(d) 1, 2 and 3 ( 0 voters )
Based On 3 Votes
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Asked: April 24, 2022In: Environment